Develop new skills and discover your style.
Join one of Katherine's regular painting sessions in her home studio or at the Land of Oak and Iron Heritage Centre. Look out for her themed workshops in the Gateshead Live programme and at various North East venues.
Sign up to Katherine's newsletter for regular updates and booking links or contact Kath for further details.
Comments and reviews
I would like to say that I have really enjoyed the 4 week course with Kath. Kath is a great teacher, she is enthusiastic in a very calm and supportive way, always praising the work done. She offered us several mediums and techniques to try and was very encouraging. I have learned loads from the classes and she has given me confidence to keep working at my art. A big thank you to Kath and you as it was all a great experience. Moya
Attending Kath's course was almost like a social outing. I am pleased to say. Everyone attending was very pleasant and I think we mixed very well. I am sure this was due, in part at least, to Kath's method of 'teaching' and putting everyone at ease. The structure of the course certainly helped to stimulate creativity. For example, we didn't just go for a walk to look at the countryside. Kath stressed the need to look/examine at what we were looking at. This was a theme of Kath's which I have definitely benefited from. Kath stressed the need to examine closely the subject that may become our piece of art. That is not to briefly consider, then start painting. This approach has helped me in regards to colours and colour selection. I think it may also have helped in regards to perspective. I also came away with some new painting techniques. Including scratching painted surfaces and loading a flat with a mix of colours and gently dragging the brush across a surface. I am also working on Kath's method of creating shadows. In summary I feel I got a lot out of attending this course and enjoyed my visits to Gibside. Alan
I have met some lovely people and have been amazed at the work turned out by the group. Kath gave us lots of ideas and tips which I’m sure we will all take forward. The course has been a great help to get back into harness after the Pandemic. Thank you Jill and Kath for such an enjoyable and instructive course. If any further courses come up, I'm sure you will let me have the info. Regards Kay
I just wanted to say how totally captivating I have found the art lessons with Katherine to be. I now find myself not just glancing at things in nature but scrutinising both their beauty and integrity. I shall be so sorry when the lessons end tomorrow as I will miss not only the exercises I have worked on but the company of my lovely fellow classmates. Lesley
Thank you so much for all your gentle teaching and encouragement. I've enjoyed the classes - every bit! And I've learnt such a lot, and eally want to carry on painting.I'll be back when I can! Anna.
Kath showed me a lot of techniques for painting and collage that I'd never used before. The atmosphere of the sessions from Kath and the other participants was sociable and supportive. I feel inspired to do more. Tricia
I just wanted to thank you for the workshop on Friday with Kath Rodger. She's a really good teacher! I feel as though I have learned so much from just that short session, and really enjoyed it. You and the team are doing a great job - thank you so much! Gail